"Spread" is a fresh, funny, and racy look at the trials and tribulations of sleeping your way to a life of privilege in Los Angeles. Comic and karmic, the film is an immorality tale about a gorgeous guy who gives women what they want in order to live exactly as he likes. In "Spread", Nikki (Ashton Kutcher) isnt a gigolo. Hes a sexual grifter, a fun-loving, freeloading hipster who understands his greatest assets are his looks and sexual prowess, which he uses to charm his way into the hearts of the citys richest women and enjoy their lifestyle. Nikki gets a free place to live, fantastic gifts, A-list access, and plenty of sex. The women get to feel young, beautiful and utterly fulfilled in the bedroom. Its a mutually beneficial set-up. Nikkis latest conquest is Samantha (Anne Heche), a stunning middle-aged lawyer who gives him more than hes ever had before. But then he meets a gorgeous waitress his own age named Heather (Margarita Levieva). She comes to visit Nikki at Samanthas house while Samantha is out of town, sees what an incredible place it is and comes to the mistaken conclusion its his. Unbeknownst to Nikki, Heather lives by playing the same game. When Samantha comes home, she discovers Nikkis infidelity and hes put out on the street. With nowhere else to turn, Nikki pulls out all the stops to win Heather over and they begin to form their own kind of bond. Sexually charged by a game of one-upsmanship, each shows the other their best grifts, and they unexpectedly begin falling in love the one thing they cant do in the life they lead. Soon, the truth of their unfolding relationship forces a choice between love and money, and Nikki has to decide whether he can live on his own once and for all in the hopes of finding something real.
My Rate : * * * This is a good movie, but not for children :) have a good day everyone !
Alright, why suddenly i'm saying this? it's because i just get back from my friends house and he's got a blue ray dvd player and some sound system with lcd plasma tv. and that's stuff make me nuts! and besides i want a huge home theater too, with comfort chairs and with big big super big silver screen and also with popcorn machine maker HAHA!! and what i've got here, is some home theater images that i found on google. check it out!
AND HERE'S COME THE CENTER OF THE HOME THEATER MOST IMPORTANT PART!! The magical Blue Ray DVD player!! And the other things that you have to buy if you want a perfect home theater is the sound system, cause if you don't have one of those, your home theater will be a piece of shit with nothing in it!! and i'll present you the most expensive home theaterEVER!!
The Jeremy Kipnis’ $6 Million Home Theater. The music engineer, producer, classical music lover and now the creator of a gigantic home theater system, Jeremy Kipnis sure knows his entertainment. His latest home entertainment offering is not only filthy posh, it’s actually quite a bargain for US $6 million. The picture elements alone are composed of a Sony SRX-S110 Professional Video Projector with an impressive 4,096-by-2,160 resolution and the Stewart Snowmatte 1.0 Gain Laboratory-Grade Motion Picture Screen stands a t a mammoth 18 x 10-foot which is nearly equivalent to an actual theater screen viewed from the balcony! The players and sources are even more exciting with a Sony BDP-S1 Blu-ray Player complimented by a state-of-the-art Toshiba HD-XA1 HD DVD Player with SATA Drive (72 HDTV Hours Total) and Mark Levinson N° 51 DVD/CD Media Player upping the ante for most other HT systems. The Jeremy Kipnis also features a Pioneer HLD-X0 Hi-Vision HDTV MUSE Laserdisc Player as well as JVC HMDH-5U D-VHS Recorder in case you need to record, say, the World Cup final or something, and for the gaming fans, the system features a Sony PlayStation 3 Gaming Console. yup yup yup awesome huh! and hopefully my dad gonna build the same as like that one! ahaha. that's all everyone! have a nice evening!
Film Indonesia pertama yang gue post di blog gue, Rumah Maida. Film ini berkisah tentang Maida, seorang gadis kikuk yang idealis. Telah dua tahun ia mengelola sekolah bagi anak jalanan di sebuah bangunan tua yang terbengkalai. Disulapnya sisi dalam bangunan rongsok itu bagai istana putri salju dan para kurcaci. Meja dan bangku dibuat dari sisa kayu. Perlengkapan kelas dibuat bersama dari barang bekas. Pada suatu hari, seorang pengusaha membeli kavling itu dan hendak mengubahnya menjadi sentra bisnis. Maida dan sekolah liarnya terancam terusir. Ia berjuang keras untuk mempertahankan istananya. Dalam perjuangannya, Maida justru menyibak misteri dan sejarah bangunan tua tersebut. Bangunan itu pernah menjadi saksi atas kisah cinta yang syahdu dan tragis antara dua insan dengan latar pergerakan kebangsaan dan kemerdekaan Indonesia Melalui tokoh Maida, film ini bercerita tentang masa kini Indonesia. Tentang perjuangan seorang anak muda yang idealis untuk mendirikan sekolah gratis. Melalui kisah cinta kala lampau antara seorang penerbang dan penyanyi, film ini berkisah tentang nilai-nilai kebangsaan yang diperjuangkan para pendiri negeri ini. Film yang bersutradarakan Teddy Soeriaatmadja ini memainkan pemain yang cukup terkenal di kalangan dunia perfilman indonesia, seperti : Atiqah HasiholanYama Carlos Davina Veronica Hariadi Imelda Soraya Nino Fernandez Wulan Guritno Frans Tumbuan Verdy Solaima. Film ini rencananya akan di rilis tanggal 29 Oktober 2009. Well if you like this kind of movie, please stay tune on your movie theater schedule. alright guys, have a great night everyone!!
PS : sebenernya gue males ngebahas ttg film film indonesia, karna gue peratiin film film indonesia sekarang gk ada yg mutu. dan gue liat konsep film muter muter terus, kayak, cinta, horror,horror, cinta, komedi gk mendidik dll lah. cuma gue liat film yg satu ini rada beda. ok thanks! and if you want me to post another indonesian film, please contact me on fb-msn-or chat me on ''throwallyourwordshere'' alright guys, yok bay!
In the city that never sleeps, love is always on the mind. Those passions come to life in "New York, I Love You" - a collaboration of storytelling from some of today's most imaginative filmmakers and featuring an all-star cast. Together they create a kaleidoscope of the spontaneous, surprising, electrifying human connections that pump the city's heartbeat. Sexy, funny, haunting and revealing encounters unfold beneath the Manhattan skyline. From Tribeca to Central Park to Brooklyn the story weaves a tale of love as diverse as the very fabric of New York itself.
This film has so much artist and so much director, so if you didn't watch it, i guess you gonna missed the great love story ever. Rumors said that the film will be release on 16 October 2009 (USA limited) and as you know, i don't know when it start in Jakarta. well i guess we have to wait again. but don't be sad, i think there must be the ''bajakan'' film, so please stay tune in ambasador or itc or where ever you find the ''tukang jual dvd bajakan'' alright guys. and check it out the trailer!! have a good day everyone!
For the first time ever, guests at Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights will live a mega-horror movie before it even hits the big screen. They will also experience two modern day blockbuster horror franchises as Universal Orlando devotes its entire Halloween Horror Nights event to bringing horror films to life. Universal Orlando is partnering with Universal Pictures to bring one of the year’s most highly anticipated films, The Wolfman, to life so guests can experience it firsthand before it hits theaters on November 6, 2009. It is also partnering with Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures to bring the most profitable horror franchise, SAW, to Halloween Horror Nights 19: Ripped from the Silver Screen. Universal Orlando is also using its partnership with Universal Pictures to bring the popular “Chucky” film series to life at the event as well. Lionsgate is expected to release the sixth installment of the powerhouse franchise in theaters nationwide on October 23, 2009, in its traditional opening weekend slot leading into Halloween. The “Chucky” films have become a favorite among horror film and pop culture enthusiasts. Never before has Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights featured such a catalog of horror. Everyone knows these films. And now everyone will get to live them in person. Guests will experience the physical and psychological horror that Jigsaw, Chucky and The Wolfman have inflicted on the silver screen. They will become victim to the mental games of “Saw’s” maniacal killer, Jigsaw. They will come face to face with “Chucky’s” wrath. And they will be there as “The Wolfman’s” alter-ego, Lawrence Talbot, discovers a primal side of himself he didn’t know existed. From house and character designs to costuming and prosthetics, work is already underway on this year’s event. Additional details will be revealed leading up to opening night of Halloween Horror Nights 19. A “Saw” attraction will also be included in the Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. For 23 select nights this fall, modern horror films are “Ripped from the Silver Screen” to frighten guests at what promises to be the most feared Halloween Horror Nights ever. Other horror films and characters from the movies, including completely reimagined Frankenstein and Dracula concepts, will also be integrated into this year’s event. Halloween Horror Nights 19 will features all-new horrifying haunted houses, inescapable and chilling scare zones, live shows and hundreds of frightening “scare-actors.” Seriously i wanted to go there so bad!!!, but it's a long long way and to much penny to spend so i'll just seeing the videos and wondering about it. but next year i have to got there no matter what. well this is the 19 Halloween Horror nights in LA and there's must be the 20. so i guess i've to saving my penny from now for this expensive experience! and if you guys wanted to go there so bad, well you have you save your penny too. cause this is the most awesome experience ever!!
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i would text you, if you were not sleep
happy sat night!
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lumayan seru
jam setengah satu gue ke fatmawati
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1. thanks for be there for me whatever the condition..
2. thanks for teach me music..
3. thanks for your time for me..
4. thanks for all..
i promise to you ...
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lebih lebih dari pada yg ini jd ya mungkin gue lebih banyak ngepost ke blog
yg bar...
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Well i think i'm leaving. My dad is going to try to get me into LC and
thats cool and all but i dont know for sure if i really want to go there. I
do know ...
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. and one more thing, the best way to keep good deeds in memory is to keep them refreshed with new ones
email: kev.kevin23@hotmail.com