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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

let's scream loudly guys!!!

 A haunted house makes no secret of the fact its not pleased with its new tenants in this independent tale of supernatural horror. Katie (Katie Featherson) and Micah (Micah Sloat) are a twenty-something couple who've just moved into a new home in San Diego, California. Katie has an interest in the paranormal and believes that malevolent spirits have been following her since childhood, though Micah is not so easily convinced. However, after several nights of loud noises and strange happenings, Micah starts to agree with Katie that some sort of ghost may have followed them to the new home. After a paranormal researcher tells the couple he can't help them, Micah decides to take control of the situation and sets up a battery of video cameras so if a spirit manifests itself, he can capture its behavior on tape. Once the surveillance cameras are in place, Katie and Micah bring in an Ouija board in an effort to talk to the spirits, a move that deeply offends the ghosts. Paranormal Activity was the firs feature film from writer and director Oren Peli. This terrifying movie will release on 25 September 2009 (USA), unfortunately this is not a theater movie this is an event movie, so this movie will come to your country if you click this widget and DEMAND IT!!. so, what are you waiting for guys? click it and demand it, don't forget to tell all your friends to demand it too. cause you will jump from your seat if you watch this horror movie!!

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Variety | Dennis Harvey
Paranormal succeeds in staying unnervingly "real."

The Hollywood Reporter | Kevin Lally
"Paranormal" ultimately does deliver in a way that "Blair Witch" never did, but its achingly slow buildup is a test not just of an audience's patience but the power of hype surrounding the latest alternative scary movie.

LA Weekly
Scariest movie of the year

Dread Central
Most frightening ghost story of 2007

Hollywood Independents
Most terrifying movie of the year

What happens when you sleep?


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